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05/06/2021 - 05/06/2021

Nuno da Luz: (Listening Session) with Assisted Resonance, 2021
In the context of Fish Ears

Developed since 2014, with Assisted Resonance is a series of performances where each place’s surrounding ambient sound is amplified and played back inside the room, with the aid of live “hot” microphones placed outside, and live instrumentation. Free field soundwaves are “assisted” – filtered and transformed – by each chamber’s own resonant properties, echoing around the enclosed surfaces of the room where we have gathered. In the words of Maryanne Amacher: “Tone-of-place, experienced, heard through skin, detected by unnamed sensibilities, and impression carried-in through skin even when not in the physical place. Tone around you and with you. ‘I don't like your tone’, ‘I like your tone’, ‘I like the tone of this place’.”

Nuno da Luz (Lisbon, 1984) is a sound artist and publisher whose work circumscribes both aural and visual elements in the form of performances, installations and printed matter, undulating between noise-making and book-making; the latter through the publisher ATLAS Projectos (in collaboration with Gonçalo Sena). In 2015, he completed the Master Program of Experimentation in Arts and Politics created by Bruno Latour at Sciences Po, Paris, and founded COYOTE – a cross-cutting collective working in print, lectures and experimental forms (in collaboration with Tristan Bera, Elida Høeg, Clémence Seurat and Ana Vaz). Since 2014, he has performed live with Assisted Resonance in several venues, more recently at Appleton [Box] (Lisbon), Matadero (Madrid), CentroCentro (Madrid), and Centro Botín (Santander), to name a few, where each place's resonance and surrounding ambience is mixed together with live instrumentation. Recent projects include solo shows Transverberation (Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon, 2019), and Poetry as an ecological survival (Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon, and Escola das Artes UCP, Porto, both 2019); the artist book Environments (Lisbon/Berlin: ATLAS Projectos, 2019), and a double LP Beasts of Gravity, in collaboration with Joana Escoval (London: The Vinyl Factory, 2019).


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