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Submitted by marialeonor.carrilho on

•    Sanatorium is a performative and interactive installation, in the format of a temporary clinic, with 8 therapy rooms (and 1 online therapy), that combines art and psychology and where it is possible to participate in different therapies conducted by ordinary, non-professional people. 

•    The way to participate, to experience the therapies, is to register (at the exhibition) as a patient.If you are a group of people, you can register by email.

•    The visitor/patient should go to the reception, where he/she will be diagnosed. Taking into account the diagnosis, up to 2 available therapies will be selected to be tried out.

•    The visitor can participate in 2 or 3 therapies, with individual or group experiences. Therapies can last between 15-40 minutes.

•    The placebo treatments that make up this temporary clinic aim to cure illnesses associated with contemporary life, namely how the daily life of urban centers affects our health and quality of life, the democratization of access to therapy, as well as other issues related to our mental health.

•    It is therefore a space for meeting, dialogue and sharing, where people can think and discuss their lives through a game, a therapeutic game with short and unexpected treatments.

Read more about the therapies available at the Sanatorium in the PDF below. 

Exhibtion's leaflet
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