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Submitted by nuno.carvalho on
As you might have noticed we have a fresh new look!

The vibrant and colourful visual identity you see applied to our new website, social media channels, and soon across the EDP Foundation campus, our spaces and our printed matter, is the work of Lisbon-based studio Barbara says…, founded by António Silveira Gomes and Cláudia Castelo.

In their words:
“The refreshed design vocabulary of the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (maat) originates from the new vision proposed by Beatrice Leanza, the museum’s new executive director, combined with the ideas of Time, Energy and Conservation.
Starting from the museum's plan, we drewn a series of 3D harmonic curves that unite, intersect and envelop the various spaces — maat, Central and the Gardens — in a dynamic linformation truss. We called this mechanism TECHNOTICKER, inspired by the sci-fi term 'technomarker': a futuristic superstructure built by multi-planetary civilisations capable of harnessing the energy of a star, long-term technology and an energy source.
This visual metaphor serves as a communication device between the various platforms of the museum, whether physical or digital.”

Check out the museum’s new video teaser and visuals across our channels on Facebook and Instagram, and now also on YouTube!

Barbara says Technoticker
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