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Living Systems Lab
Living Systems Lab
24/10/2020 - 24/10/2020

A symposium by Central Saint Martins – UAL 

The Living Systems Lab explores the inherent properties of biological living systems to develop new knowledge in the field of ecology via creative practices in art, design, and architecture. Two interconnected strands bring together bio-informed design research as a disruptive driver for sustainable innovation and artistic research, exploring the interrelationships within complex ecologies and networked systems. 

This symposium introduces the Living Systems Lab Research Group from Central Saint Martins – University of the Arts London (UAL) and projects which exist at the intersection of art, design, architecture, and biology: Carole Collet, Professor in Design for Sustainable Futures, Heather Barnett, Artist and Lecturer MA Art and Science, Nancy Diniz, Architect and Course Leader MA Biodesign, Alice Taylor, Bioengineer and Lecturer in Biology and Living Systems and Rob Kesseler, Professor of Art, Design and Science.




14.00: Introduction to the Living Systems Lab: Carole Collet and Heather Barnett
14.10: Heather Barnett (talk, interactive experiment with participants/audience)
14.45: Grow Lab Learning Discussion

15.00: Break

15.15: Presentations from each researcher:
• Nancy Diniz, Architect and Course Leader MA Biodesign
• Alice Taylor, Bioengineer and Lecturer in Biology and Living Systems Challenging the diamond stereotype, from gems to brains
• Carole Collet, Professor in Design for Sustainable Futures Biotextiles: towards the next generation of sustainable textiles
• Rob Kesseler, Professor of Art, Design and Science Beyond the visible: collaboration and communication through micro-imaging.
• Heather Barnett, Artist and Lecturer MA Art and Science Invitations and Interruptions: co-enquiry with living systems

16.15p: Q&A

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