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02/10/2020 - 02/10/2020

Re-constructing Reality

Counter-architecture is a collaborative research-project taking place between September of 2020 and January of 2021 — four performative actions, four talks and four debates that will result in a green paper, in the year where Lisbon is the European Green Capital, aimed to think the future of what we call “urbanity”.


We, positively, live in a world of representations. The press and the media are, in general, their privileged vehicle, although what is technically and artistically produced from consumer goods to Architecture also serve as a vehicle. The general picture of a world is drawn, through these representations, allowing the inhabitant of a certain territory to recognize himself in his social identity. However, the picture obtained in this process is not exactly realistic. There is a reverse of this reality whose revelation, in this context, always acquires a disturbing character. This type of information, rarely unveiled by the media, feeds subversive thinking. Thus, in that representation of itself daily manufactured by society, the established criteria to show “this” or “that”, will depend, to a large extent, on a political logic that, often, wants to make compatible contradictions very difficult to resolve.


Session #3/4 – Disclosure / Concealment
maat: stage 1

→ 16.00 
Performative action with Teatro Praga: Counter-architecture: Disclosure/Concealment (w/ english subtitles)
Videoconference with Tatjana Schneider: Non-Hegemonic Forms of Spatial Practice (in english)


→ 18.00 
Debate with Diogo Teixeira, Filipa Roseta, João Gomes da Silva, Rita Vieira Cruz and Patrícia Canelas [moderator] 


Organisation: efabula (Lucinda Correia, Rosa Matias Baptista, Andreia Páscoa, Sara Reis, Marta Rema, Susana Sequeira)

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