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Facilities and services

→ Cafeteria
→ Shop
→ Lockers (deposit: 1 € coin), also for bigger volumes
→ Nappy-changing facilities
→ Free public car park 500 m from the museum
→ Bicycle parking area


→ The museum is adapted for visitors with reduced mobility, with both lift and ramp access to the upper floors.
→ Two wheelchairs are available upon request at the ticket offices.
→ There are toilet facilities available for visitors with special needs.


It is not allowed to enter the museum:
→ with volumes larger than 32 × 41 cm (baby bags are an exception) or umbrellas;
→ with pets (with the exception of guide dogs).

Inside the museum is not allowed:
→ eating, drinking or smoking;
→ touching the exhibited items (unless otherwise noted);
→ going beyond the safety areas;
→ shooting with flash.

Other recommendations

→ Please follow directions provided by security staff, tour guides or members of staff.
→ Children must always be accompanied by adults.
→ In case of an accident or unusual incident, please report it immediately to a member of security staff.
→ The capture of images for professional purposes can only happen with prior authorisation.


→ Security plan devised following the recommendations of the DGS [Directorate-General of Health] and the legislation in force.
→ Protection of those who serve the public, providing them with individual protection — mask, visor and gloves.
→ Reinforced cleaning and disinfection measures in our facilities.
→ Availability of disinfectant gel dispensers at the entrance of each building.
→ Circulation of visitors, establishing a safe exhibition circuit with fixed entrances and exits.
→ Purchasing tickets online or through the kiosks available at Praça do Carvão (near Central).


→ Failure to comply with the recommendations can result in refusal of admission or expulsion.
→ In case of increased number of visitors, access to the museum may be temporarily suspended.
→ Visitors displaying poor hygiene, who are showing signs of psychological distress or engaging in inappropriate behaviour may not be allowed in the museum.
→ A complaints book is available.

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