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Talk We Care A Lot: launch of Leonorana magazine
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With Isabel Carvalho, Susana Caló, Andreia Magalhães, Márcia Novais, Pedreira and Cristiana Vale Pires.
06/04/2024 - 06/04/2024

In a special issue produced in partnership with MAAT, Leonorana magazine brought to the public a series of conversations published between August and November 2023 in English on the website, which is now presented on paper in issue seven of the magazine, in Portuguese and English.


To mark the conclusion of this partnership and the launch of the printed magazine, a conversation will be held on 6 April between Isabel Carvalho (artist, editor of Leonorana), Susana Caló (philosopher), Andreia Magalhães (curator, director of the Oliva Art Centre), Márcia Novais (designer of Leonorana), Pedreira (artistic platform and collective manifesto), and Cristiana Vale Pires (psychologist, founding member of Kosmicare), moderated by Celina Vilas-Boas (psychologist).


We Care a Lot is a set of six conversations about care, well-being and mental health, in which care of mental health is prioritised in a reflection on contemporary culture, where, as an alternative to the paradigm of care focused on the individual as an isolated entity, the role of communities is emphasised, where the individual is integrated and finds a place of welcome and belonging. These conversations, dialogues with several voices, explore communal experiences of mutual help and joyful interdependence, which are active in the cultural and artistic community.


This special edition of Leonorana is the result of an invitation from MAAT to unfold the theme of "care", already addressed in issue 4 of the magazine, launched in the midst of the pandemic.


The name Leonorana is taken from Ana Hatherly's book Um Calculador de Improbabilidades [An Improbability Calculator] (Quimera, 2001) and the magazine is a tribute to this artist, taking up and updating the central focus of her work, namely with regard to the study and experimental practice of the complementarity between verbal and visual languages. Each issue of the annual magazine addresses a different topic, which is defined in dialogue with a guest editor, with whom the methodology and editorial orientation are also outlined. These are then proposed to guest authors, who agree to share their interests, processes and work. The essay is the predominant genre due to its being most suitable for conveying thought in formation and that which best allows for speculative approaches.


* "We Care a Lot" is a song by the American band Faith No More, released in 1985, and is also the title of the band's first studio album, released in the same year.

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