IN Residence Design Workshop #14
IN Residence contributes to contemporary debate about design, proposing conversation as a privileged means of analysis and further study. It offers an alternative experience for learning, studying and thinking, capable of smoothly bringing together realms of knowledge generally kept separate.
During the four days in which the creative laboratory will take place, the designers-tutors, the curators and the participants are called to confront ideas and interact with the ultimate purpose of developing some design considerations that can answer the questions implicit in the given research topic. As conclusion of the laboratory programme, a public event will be held to present the results of the research, to which two exclusive conferences by both curators and both designers-tutors will be added.
“Truth Tellers”
The truth was supposed to set us free. — Garry Kasparov
Characterised by the presence of “post-truth", an expression that points to the trend of considering the truthfulness of a report as a matter of secondary importance, the contemporary world often seems to value a non-objective, emotional and sensationalist reaction over an analytical response based on facts. Considering this scenario, the IN Residence Design Workshop #14: “Truth Tellers” investigates the multiple meanings attributed to the concept of truth in today’s society, organizing a study that intends to reflect on the cultural value assigned to that concept.
Applying the exercise of thinking to design, the workshop examines the opposing categories of false and authentic, fiction and non-fiction, while also considering the potential influence doubt may exert on these issues.
Capacity: 24 participants
Aimed at design professionals, students of any level, and enthusiasts in the field of design practice. People who are interested in pioneering design research and crossovers between design and other social, scientific and philosophical areas of interest.
500€ per person
300€ for students
The registration fee includes lunch cost during the four days of the event; fees do not include travel or accommodation costs. Student discounts are available only for individuals who meet the requirements by sending proof of student status (valid student ID) to info@inresidence-design.com before booking.
maat offers a total of 15 scholarships to cover the costs to attend the workshop.
To compete for the selection, candidates must send their RESUME and PORTFOLIO plus a short MOTIVATION LETTER by and no later than October 4th 2020 to the address info@inresidence-design.com.
Candidates selected as scholarship winners will be contacted by email no later than October 7th 2020.
PLEASE NOTE: Scholarships do not cover travel and accommodation expenses.
Certificate of attendance
Participation in the workshop is certified by IN Residence through a participation certificate issued at the end of the event. This document shows the total number of hours and the activities in which the participant has been engaged. For those who are university students, the certificate can be used to directly request ECTS credits from the university where you study.