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Christmas holidays: Art and Science Workshops
children workshop
children workshop
18/12/2024 - 20/12/2024

These Christmas holidays, bring the kids to MAAT and let them explore and learn about art and science in our workshops specially designed to stimulate curiosity and creativity.


Capacity: 15 children

Age: 7 to 13 years old

Language: Portuguese

Price: €90 | 25% discount MAAT Friend Card 

Lunch included (Children are accompanied during all meals and should bring two snacks (for mid-morning and afternoon) or money for them).


Art workshop: Discover the MAAT, 10.00-13.00

Get ready for several mornings of adventure at MAAT! Here you'll explore each nook and cranny of the museum to find the most special and surprising places. From one mystery to the next, from one clue to another, we'll discover and dig into contemporary works of art and devices from the past that live here. Are you ready for this adventure?

Venue: MAAT Central and MAAT Gallery, at the Black Ancient FuturesAll the World’s a Stage and INVERTED ON US exhibitions.
Conception and supervision: José Santos

Science workshop: Sponge Carts, 14:30-17:30

In the afternoon, the fun continues with the Sponge Carts workshop! In this workshop, we'll learn about electricity and how to make an electrical circuit by assembling an (almost!) indestructible cart made of sponge. A practical and engaging experience where each child will create their own cart. And the best bit: the kids get to take them home with them at the end!

Venue: MAAT Central
Conception and supervision: António Banza and Tiago Serôdio




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